Montgomery County Civic Federation, Inc.



Here’s what our fearless leader does...

The president is the chief executive officer of the Federation, and presides at all Regular and Executive Committee meetings.  She/he is also an ex-officio member of all standing committees.

The President nominates the appointed officials and the chairs of Standing Committees, subject to confirmation by the Membership.  She/he appoints members of Special Committees and designates their chairs.

The President ensures that the various activities, programs, and positions of the Federation are carried out in an orderly and efficient manner.  She/he prepares the agenda for meetings for publication in the newsletter.

Finally, the President performs such other duties as are normally done by presidents of like organizations.

MCCF Presidents, 1925 to Present

2024-26   Cheryl Gannon
2020-24   Alan Bowser
2018-20   Bailey Condrey
2016-18   Jim Zepp
2014-16   Paula Bienenfeld
2012-14   Carole Ann Barth
2009-12   Peggy Dennis
2008-09   Arnie Gordon
2006-08   Wayne M. Goldstein
2004-06   Daniel L. Wilhelm
2002-04   Cary A. Lamari
2000-02   I. Dean Ahmad
1998-00   Jorge L. Ribas
1996-98   William J. Skinner

1994-96   Charles S. Lapinski
1992-94   Richard A. Kauffunger
1991-92   Karen Kalla
1990-91   Alvin Rivera
1988-90   Fernando Bren
1986-88   Allen E. Bender
1984-86   George E. Sauer
1982-84   Gwendolyn Edsall
1980-82   Dr. Dean W. Gibson
1978-80   Elvera Berson
1976-78   Dr. Marcella Petree
1974-76   Enid L. Miles
1974        George E. Sauer
1973-74   Judith C. Toth

1971-73   Jesse L. Maury
1969-71   Camillo Pasqueriello
1967-69   Eugene E. Stephens III
1966-67   Robert C. Horne
1964-66   Irvin Wolcock
1963-64   Dr. Tomas Bartram
1962-63   Seymour S. Berlin
1960-62   Julius U. Hoke
1958-60   Dr. Robert S. Marvin
1956-58   Jerome J. Harris
1954-56   Dr. Harold P. Morris
1953-54   Russel I. Whyte
1951-53   Henry H. Snelling
1950-51   Walter H. McClenon

1948-50   Herbert N. Eaton
1946-48   Rhees F. Burket
1945-46   William B. Horne
1944-45   Richard B. Barker
1943-44   Richard H. Akers
1941-43   Joseph P. Matre
1939-41   O. M. Kile
1937-39   H. S. Yohe
1935-37   Washington I. Cleveland
1933-35   Robert E. Bondy
1931-33   Frederick P. Lee
1929-31   Stephen James
1927-29   Col. Alvin B. Barber
1925-27   Oliver Owen Kuhn