On Monday, July 12, 2021, the Montgomery County Civic Federation
hosted a special briefing by the County’s Commission on Redistricting via Zoom.
There will be two new County Council Districts created for a total of seven Districts.
The Commission on Redistricting was created in February 2021 by the Montgomery County Council.
The Commission’s mission is to present a plan of Council districts, together with a report
explaining it, to the Council.
The Montgomery County Charter, as amended by the voters in the 2020 general election, states that the County shall be divided into seven Council districts for the purpose of nominating and electing seven members of the Council. Each district shall be compact in form and be composed of adjoining territory. Prior to the recent election, the Charter required the County to be divided into five Council districts. The new requirement for seven districts will apply to the 2022 election, and the County Council will consist of eleven members, with four at-large members.
The objectives for the new Council districts are:
■ Equal Population: Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment requires that the legislative districts across states be equal in population.
■ Compactness: Having the minimum distance between all the parts of a constituency (a circle, square or a hexagon is the most compact district).
■ Contiguity: All parts of a district being connected at some point with the rest of the district.
■ Minority Representation: consideration of areas of population with majority of minorities.
■ Preservation of counties and other political subdivisions: This refers to not crossing county, city, or town, boundaries when drawing districts.
■ Preservation of communities of interest: Geographical areas, such as neighborhoods of a city or regions of a state, where the residents have common political interests that do not necessarily coincide with the boundaries of a political subdivision, such as a city or county.