Meetings of the Montgomery County Civic Federation are held monthly (except July and August) on the second Monday evening of the month, at 7:00 p.m., in various locations throughout Montgomery County. Most monthly delegate assemblies include an informational program, followed by the business portion of the meeting. The public is welcome to attend. VENUES RECORDED MEETINGSExecutive Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of the month, unless that occurs in the same week as the General Meeting, when it slips to the following Thursday. These meetings are also open to the public; contact the MCCF President for the location or, if virtual, access codes.
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
The ExCom will meet virtually at 7:00 p.m. to discuss plans for the following month’s meeting. Contact the MCCF President if you wish to attend: CONTACT PRESIDENT
During the pandemic, meetings were held online using the Zoom platform and continue to be held virtually for convenience. Access Codes will be posted under the meeting date above when they are available; they will also be printed in that month’s Civic Federation News.
101 Monroe Street | Rockville, MD 20850
Meetings at the Executive Office Building are held in the Lobby Level Auditorium. Walkers should use the intercom button at the doors to let Security know you’re attending the MCCF meeting.
TO PARK: Drive onto the ramp in the front of the building. (Ignore “Permit Parking Only.”) Pass the first parking level on your left. Turn left at the second, lower level. Use the intercom at both the gate to the parking garage and at the door to the elevators to inform security you’re attending the MCCF Meeting in the Lobby Level Auditorium. Parking is free! [Map courtesy of Google] VIEW MAP ALONE
Stella Werner Council Office Building | 100 Maryland Avenue | Rockville, MD 20850
Meetings at the County Council Building are held in the First Floor Auditorium.
Parking is available in the lot marked with a red “P” on the map. Enter via the N.E. corner, off Monroe St. near Rte. 28. Walk up the stairs at the N.W. corner of the lot and follow the curved walkway directly to the auditorium. [Map courtesy of Google] VIEW MAP ALONE
250 Richard Montgomery Drive | Rockville, Maryland 20852
We suggest you park in the bus bays or visitor parking, both off Fleet Street, rather than the main lot. [Map courtesy of Google] VIEW MAP ALONE
4805 Edgemoor Lane | Bethesda, MD 20814
Park in the county parking lot at 7601 Woodmont Avenue. (The entrance to the Center is on the Plaza Level and cannot be reached from the street level.) From the parking lot, take the elevators to the Plaza Level and cross the outside plaza to the BRSC. [Map courtesy of Google] VIEW MAP ALONE